A story by Vance Burns


There were two boys names Jerry and Barry and their dad. They were a happy family.  But one day their dad went for groceries and while he was walking home, he was run over by a drunk driver.

Barry and Jerry ended up homeless.  They had no friends or family to live with.  Things looked bad …… till Jerry had a good idea they would not spend any money on food.  Instead,  they would get their food from the apple tree in the park and save up for a lottery ticket.

One day they had enough money to buy a lottery ticket.  They bought a Gold Rush ticket, but had to wait and see if they won.  It turned out that they won the $15,000,000 jackpot,  but they still had to wait because the gas station does not give them all the money at once.  Jerry and Barry had to wait a week to get all their money. When they received their winnings, the split it in half and each received $7.5 million. 

But Barry didn’t want all that money so he told Jerry to donate $1,000,000 to the apple tree that had saved their lives and Barry just wanted 15 grand (which is $15000 dollars) to buy a nice house and car. So Jerry did so.

Then Jerry thought, “Man, Barry is a good person.” So Jerry wanted to do something good with his money.  So he thought, “I will spend some of it on a new park with more apple trees then the other park had.”

So Jerry made a bigger and better park then the other one.  He built a statue of Barry with a sign that said.  

This man could have had millions ……

But he did not want money.

Barry knew that you do not need money or be famous to be happy. Many people came to that park and read that sign.  After a few months, Barry became famous anyway. But all Barry wanted was a normal life, not to be rich or famous. Be like Barry.

